"First witch: We're here to open your eyes.
Second witch: We only want to help you.
First witch: It's for your own good.
Second witch: Justice is all we ask.
First witch: True justice.
Macbett: Stranger and stranger.
Second witch: He, he, he, he!
Macbett: Have you really got my interest at heart? Does justice mean so much to you? You old hags, ugly as sin, you shameless old women want to sacrifice your life for my happiness?
Second witch: Yes, yes, he, he, he, he, of course.
First witch: Because we love you, Macbett."
Gaga: Sure you wanna do this, honey bee? You know what they say? Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger.
Beyonce: You know, Gaga? Trust is like a mirror. You can't fix it if it's broke.
Gaga: But you can still see the cracks in that motherfuckin' reflection.
Gaga: Sure you wanna do this, honey bee? You know what they say? Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger.
Beyonce: You know, Gaga? Trust is like a mirror. You can't fix it if it's broke.
Gaga: But you can still see the cracks in that motherfuckin' reflection.